BMW Z4 FlexRay Problems: Multiple System Failures Help
Fault stored
Audio system is not working
Failure of various systems in the vehicle
No sound of the Audiosystem
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! My Z4 (58275 KM) started acting weird about two weeks ago. Interestingly, the problems seem worse in the morning when the car's been sitting overnight. I tried the battery disconnect trick too, but like you said, it only helped temporarily. The electrical glitches are pretty unusual, sometimes the audio cuts out mid-drive, and other times the warning lights just start flashing like a Christmas tree. I had it serviced three months ago and everything was fine then, so this came out of nowhere. Good to know about the FlexRay connector issue. I'll definitely get that checked out. Did your mechanic mention how to prevent this from happening again? Really hoping it's just a connector and not something more serious!
Hey again! Yes, I remember when my 3 Series had those exact same symptoms, the morning issues were a big red flag for me too. That's actually super common with FlexRay bus problems because of moisture buildup overnight. My car had about 62000 KM when it happened. After they fixed mine, my mechanic suggested applying some dielectric grease to the new connector to prevent future corrosion. He also recommended checking and cleaning the connections annually during regular service. Been doing that religiously since then, and haven't had any issues for over a year now. One thing I forgot to mention in my first reply, before the full repair, I noticed the problems would sometimes clear up temporarily when it was warmer outside. That's another classic sign of a connection issue. If you're experiencing something similar, it's pretty likely you're dealing with the same problem I had. Just a heads up, make sure your mechanic checks all the FlexRay connections, not just the obvious ones. In my case, they initially missed one slightly corroded connector that was hidden behind some components. Had to go back a second time to get it all sorted properly. Keep us posted on what you find out! Always curious to hear how these electrical gremlins get resolved.
Thanks so much for all the detailed advice! You've actually made me feel a lot better about this whole situation. I was worried it might be something really major, but your experience gives me hope it's just those pesky connectors. Now that you mention it, I have noticed the problems do seem less severe when the car's been running for a while and everything's warmed up. I'll definitely make sure to mention this to my mechanic, along with checking all the FlexRay connections thoroughly, don't want to end up making two trips like you did! Really appreciate the tip about the dielectric grease too. I'll make sure they add that when fixing it and get them to include connector checks in my annual service schedule. I've already called my usual BMW specialist and booked it in for next week. Fingers crossed it's the same issue you had and I'll be back to enjoying my Z4 without all these electrical gremlins soon! I'll update the forum once I get it sorted. Thanks again for sharing your experience, it's been super helpful!
Hey there! I had a pretty similar issue with my 2010 BMW 3 Series last year. The symptoms were almost identical, electrical gremlins everywhere, systems going crazy. Turned out it was a faulty cable connection in the FlexRay bus system. My mechanic found that one of the connectors was corroded and not making proper contact. The fix wasn't too complicated, they replaced the damaged connector and cable section. Cost me around 95 Euro and it solved all the issues. Could you share more details about your Z4? Like when did these problems start, and are there any specific patterns when the issues occur (like after rain or when it's cold)? This might help narrow down if you're dealing with the same problem I had. Before taking it to the shop, I actually tried disconnecting the battery for about 30 minutes to reset everything, but that was just a temporary fix. Definitely recommend getting it properly checked by a BMW specialist.