BMW X7 Stalling at Idle with Emergency Mode Activated
Stalling while idling
Check engine light on
4 comment(s)
Thanks for your response! My X7 has 56014 KM on the clock and just had its service last month. To answer your questions, it happens regardless of the fuel level, and I've noticed a slight clicking noise from the engine bay when idling. The stalling mostly occurs after the engine warms up, especially at traffic stops. Really hoping it's just clogged hoses like in your case and not something more serious with the ECU or fuel system. Let me know if you need any other details that might help diagnose the issue.
Hey again! Thanks for those extra details about your X7. You know what? After hearing about the clicking noise and the fact that it happens after warming up, I'm actually less convinced it's the same issue I had with my X5. I remember when my hoses were clogged, I never had any clicking sounds, it was more of a rough idle and then stalling. The timing of your issue (after warm-up) is also different from what I experienced. Mine would act up right from cold start. Looking back at my X5's history, I've actually dealt with a similar clicking noise you're describing, but that was a separate issue from the stalling, turned out to be a failing fuel injector. Had to replace it eventually, cost quite a bit more than the clogged hose fix, around 800 Euro with parts and labor. Since your car is relatively new with only 56K on it and recently serviced, I'd definitely get it checked by the dealer. Could be something still under warranty. Even though my initial guess was the hoses, I'm thinking now it might be injection-related. These newer BMWs can be tricky with their electronics, and sometimes what seems like a simple issue can be connected to something else entirely. Want me to share what symptoms I had when my injector was going bad? Might help you compare.
Yes, please share those injector symptoms, that's really helpful insight! I'm actually starting to think you might be right about the injector issue, especially since you mentioned the clicking noise connection. The more I think about it, my symptoms do sound different from your clogged hose situation. I'll definitely take it to the dealer since it's still under warranty. Really glad I asked here first, was about to take it to my local mechanic, but if it's injection-related, the dealer might be the better choice. Would hate to mess with anything that could void the warranty. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences and revising your thoughts based on the additional details. You've helped me better understand what I'm dealing with and given me a clearer direction for getting it fixed. Much appreciated!
Hey there! I have some experience working on BMWs and had a very similar issue with my 2020 BMW X5 last year. The symptoms you're describing sound really familiar. Had the same stalling and emergency mode problems, and initially thought it was something more serious. Turned out it was just clogged hoses affecting the fuel system. Took it to my regular mechanic who specializes in European cars, and they found and cleared the blockage. Cost me around 175 Euro for the whole fix, including labor. Before jumping to conclusions about the ventilation valve, it would help to know: How many miles/kilometers are on your X7? Does it happen more when the tank is full or empty? Any unusual sounds from the engine bay? Let me know these details and I might be able to help you narrow it down further!