BMW X5 Diesel: Boost System Issues Causing Power Loss?
Loss of engine power
Whistling noise
Stalling while idling
Longer cold start time
Loud hissing on acceleration
Check engine light on
Poor fuel economy
8 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! My X5 has 147892 KM on the clock and was just serviced last month. I'm definitely getting black smoke when accelerating hard, which wasn't happening before. Your situation sounds exactly like what I'm experiencing. Did your mechanic mention anything about checking the intercooler and boost pipes for leaks before replacing the wastegate? Just wondering if I should get those checked first since it might be a cheaper fix. The whistling is driving me crazy, especially when merging onto highways!
Hey again! Since you mentioned the black smoke, I'm even more convinced it's similar to what I dealt with on my X3. Yes, actually, my mechanic did check the intercooler and boost pipes first! I'm glad you brought that up because I forgot to mention it in my first response. In my case, they pressure tested the whole system and found that the boost pipes were fine, and the intercooler wasn't leaking. That's when they moved on to check the wastegate, which turned out to be the culprit. That whistling sound you mentioned, I remember it driving me absolutely nuts too, especially during acceleration! Just a heads up though, even if it turns out to be just the boost pipes, get them replaced rather than trying to patch them up. I learned this the hard way with my previous car when I tried to save some money by patching a boost pipe. The fix only lasted about two months before the problems started again. The black smoke you're seeing is definitely concerning, that's exactly what mine was doing too. It's usually a sign that something's messing with the air-fuel mixture, which makes sense if your boost pressure system isn't working properly. Let me know what your mechanic finds out. I'm really curious to know if it's the same issue I had!
Thanks so much for the detailed response! That's really helpful advice about not patching the boost pipes, I'll definitely keep that in mind. I've booked the car in for next Tuesday, and I'll make sure to ask them to pressure test everything first before jumping to conclusions. It's actually reassuring to hear that your symptoms were so similar to mine, especially the black smoke issue. The X3 and X5 probably share quite a few components in their turbo systems, so it makes sense. I'll let you know what they find once they've had a look at it. Fingers crossed it's something straightforward like the boost pipes and not the wastegate, but at least I know what I might be in for cost-wise if it does turn out to be the wastegate. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience, it's definitely helped me feel more informed before heading to the mechanic!
What is the solution? I am desperate already.
Start by checking for any leaks in the intercooler and boost pipes, as these can cause the symptoms you're experiencing. A pressure test can help identify any issues in the boost pressure system. If no leaks are found, the problem might be with the wastegate valve on the turbo. It's important to address this soon, as it affects engine performance and emissions. Let us know how it goes or if you have more questions!
004530 boost pressure control ?
The error code 004530 typically indicates an issue with the boost pressure control, which could be related to the turbocharger system. Start by checking for any leaks in the intercooler and boost pipes, as these can affect boost pressure. If no leaks are found, inspect the wastegate valve and the turbocharger for any faults. It's crucial to address this issue promptly to avoid further engine performance problems. Let us know if you need more help or have any updates!
Hi there! I've got some experience with BMWs and had a very similar issue with my 2006 BMW X3 diesel last year. The symptoms you're describing are exactly what I experienced, the whistling noise and power loss were particularly annoying on my 3.0d. Turned out it was indeed a faulty wastegate valve on the turbo. My regular workshop diagnosed it pretty quickly. The repair cost me around 860 Euro, but it fixed all the issues, no more power loss, weird noises, or excessive fuel consumption. Can you tell me what engine variant your X5 has and how many miles are on it? This would help me share more specific details about what to look out for. Also, have you noticed any black smoke from the exhaust? Just as a side note, I also owned a 5 series before this, but thankfully never had turbo issues with that one. Hope this helps!