BMW X5 Diesel Cold Start Issues, Glow Plug Problems?
Pre-glow light won't turn off
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4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! My X5 is showing similar symptoms to what you described. The car's at 190445 KM, and I just had it serviced last month. I am getting some black smoke during cold starts, especially in the morning. Haven't tried using a diagnostic scanner yet, that's actually a great suggestion. The fact that your fix was straightforward gives me some hope. Guess I better get it checked out before it potentially gets worse. Did your mechanic mention how long these glow plugs typically last? Just wondering if this is something I should expect to deal with again down the road.
Hey again! Yeah, my mechanic actually told me that glow plugs typically last between 100,000 to 150,000 KM on these BMW diesels, so with your mileage, it's definitely in the replacement zone. Mine failed at around 160,000 KM, so pretty similar situation. The black smoke you're seeing is another classic sign, had the exact same thing. Honestly, given all these matching symptoms, I'm even more convinced now that we're dealing with the same issue. One thing I forgot to mention in my previous reply, after the glow plug replacement, I noticed my fuel consumption actually improved a bit too. Guess the engine wasn't running quite right before, even when warm. Quick tip: when you take it in, have them check all the glow plugs, not just the faulty one. I ended up replacing all of mine since they were all getting up there in age, and it saved me from potentially having to deal with the same problem a few months later with a different plug. Bit more expensive upfront but worth the peace of mind. Keep me posted on what you find out. Curious to see if it's the same fix for you!
Thanks so much for all this detailed info! The tip about replacing all the glow plugs makes a lot of sense, definitely don't want to be back at the shop in a few months for the same issue. I've already called my mechanic and scheduled an appointment for tomorrow morning. It's really helpful to know about the typical lifespan of these glow plugs. Given my mileage, I guess I actually got pretty good life out of them. And that's interesting about the fuel consumption improvement, I'll have to keep an eye on mine after the repair. I'll update this thread once I get everything sorted. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience and advice. It's made me feel much more confident about what I'm dealing with and what to expect at the shop. Thanks again!
Hey there! I had a similar issue with my 2021 BMW X3 diesel last winter. The symptoms were exactly like yours, tough cold starts and that annoying preheat light that wouldn't go away. Took it to my trusted workshop and yep, turned out to be a faulty glow plug. They replaced it and the whole starting issue cleared up immediately. Cost me around 440 Euro for parts and labor. The X3 has been running like a charm since then. Quick question, have you noticed any black smoke when starting up? Also, what's your mileage? This could help pinpoint if we're dealing with the same issue. I'd definitely have it checked soon since cold starting problems usually don't fix themselves. By the way, before taking it to the shop, have you tried using a diagnostic scanner to check which cylinder is causing the trouble? That info could be really helpful for your mechanic. Let me know these details and I might be able to share more specific info about what to expect.