BMW X5 Climate Control Fails, Temp Sensor Mystery
Fault stored
A/C System Not Engaging
Automatic temperature control no longer works
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! That's really helpful since it sounds exactly like what I'm dealing with. Super glad it wasn't anything too serious in your case. Can't remember if you mentioned the cost, do you recall how much you paid for the repair? Also, has everything been running smoothly since then, or have you noticed any other climate control quirks popping up? My X5 can be a bit temperamental sometimes, so I'm trying to prepare for any potential follow-up issues.
Hey there! Happy to help! Yeah, I remember when I shared that experience about my X3 issues. The total repair came to 95 €, pretty reasonable considering how worried I was it might be something major. The mechanic found it was just that faulty interior temperature sensor, specifically a bad cable connection that needed fixing. I'm glad you asked about how it's been running since, honestly, it's been working like a charm! The climate control system has been spot-on ever since they sorted out that sensor issue. No more error messages, temperature control works perfectly, and the AC kicks in exactly when it should. Really, it's like having a new system. Looking back, I was probably stressing more than I needed to about it. These BMWs are solid cars, but yeah, they can throw these little curveballs at us sometimes. At least this turned out to be a pretty straightforward fix!
Thanks for the follow-up! I actually just got back from the mechanic today. You were right, it wasn't as bad as I feared. Turned out my issue was pretty similar to yours, but the sensor itself needed replacing, not just a connection fix. Still, the whole thing only cost me about 200 bucks, which was way less than I'd been worried about. Funny thing was, the mechanic I found was actually great. Super transparent, showed me the old sensor and explained exactly what was wrong. Made me feel a lot better about the whole thing, especially after my last mechanic disaster. They even did a quick check of the rest of the climate system just to make sure everything else was good. Really appreciate everyone's help here, definitely saved me some stress and probably some money too! Car's running perfectly now, cool air and all. Guess sometimes these problems aren't as scary as they seem.
Had a similar issue with my 2018 BMW X3 last year. The symptoms were exactly like yours, no temp control, error messages, and AC failure. Took it to the garage and turns out it was the temperature sensor connector that had come loose, plus some corrosion on the pins. The mechanic showed me how the wiring harness connecting to the temp sensor had worked itself loose over time. The fix wasn't too complex, they cleaned the connector pins, secured the wiring harness, and recalibrated the climate control system. It wasn't a major repair, just needed proper diagnosis and careful handling of the electrical components. You're right to suspect the temp sensor, it's a common issue in these models. Have them check the wiring and connections first before replacing any parts. My climate control has been working perfectly since the repair.