BMW X3 Transmission Nightmare: Grinding & Slipping Issues
Failure of various systems (mostly in the area of audio/navigation functions)
Grinding noise when shifting gears
Implausible shifting behavior of the automatic transmission
Fault stored
Transmission slips/shifts erratically
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! My X3 has 59582 KM on it and just had its service last month. I'm experiencing exactly those symptoms you described. The transmission is automatic and the problems started about two weeks ago. The grinding noise is particularly noticeable when shifting from first to second gear. It's reassuring to hear you managed to fix a similar issue, I was worried it might be something even more serious. Did your mechanic mention how long the repair took? I need my car for work, so I'm trying to plan ahead.
Thanks for those details! Yes, my X5 had almost the same mileage when I ran into these problems. Let me share more about my repair experience since our cases sound so similar. The actual repair took about 2-3 days in total, they needed one day for thorough diagnosis and parts ordering, and another 1-2 days for the actual repair work. My mechanic was able to give me a courtesy car during that time, which was super helpful since I also need my car for work. One thing I forgot to mention in my first reply, before going for the full transmission control unit replacement, my mechanic first tried updating the transmission software. That didn't fix the issue for me, but it's usually a cheaper first step worth trying. The grinding noise between first and second gear that you're describing is exactly what I experienced, it's like a signature symptom of the faulty control unit. Just a heads up, if it is the transmission control unit like in my case, you'll want to get it sorted soon. I tried driving with the problem for a few weeks and it just got worse, especially that grinding noise. The longer you wait, the more risk there is of causing additional damage. Have you noticed if the problem gets worse when the engine is cold or after the car's been running for a while?
Thanks for all that detailed information! That's really helpful to know about the software update option, I'll definitely ask about that first before going for the full replacement. The problem actually does seem worse when the car is cold, especially in the mornings. I've noticed it improves slightly after driving for about 15-20 minutes. I'll take your advice and get it looked at right away. Don't want to risk causing more damage by waiting too long. Good to know about the repair timeline too, I'll talk to my workshop about a courtesy car. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. It's made me feel much more confident about getting this sorted. I'll schedule an appointment with my mechanic first thing tomorrow!
I have some experience with car repairs and went through something very similar with my 2008 BMW X5 last year. The symptoms were nearly identical to what you're describing, weird grinding, slipping gears, the whole deal. After taking it to my trusted workshop, they diagnosed a faulty transmission control unit. The repair set me back about 1000 Euro, but it completely fixed those transmission problems you're describing. The mechanic said this is actually a known issue with some BMW models from that era, including the X3 and X5. Before I can provide more specific advice, could you share: Current mileage on your X3? Is it an automatic or manual transmission? When did these symptoms first start? Drop these details and I'll try to help you figure out if you're dealing with the same problem I had.