BMW iX2 Door Lock Mystery Drives Owners Crazy
Vehicle cannot be unlocked or locked
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience with the door wiring issue! That definitely sounds similar to what I'm experiencing. Really helpful to know about the wiring harness being the culprit in your case. Do you remember roughly how much you ended up paying for the repair? Also, has everything been working smoothly since they fixed it, or have you noticed any other electrical quirks?
Hey there! Just wanted to follow up on your questions. I'm happy to report that since getting it fixed, the door contact issues have completely disappeared, no more annoying warning messages or locking problems. The repair was actually much simpler and cheaper than I initially described. Turned out I got lucky, it was just a faulty cable connection that needed fixing, not the entire wiring harness as I'd feared. The total bill came to 95 € for fixing the defective component connection. Way less painful than I expected! The mechanic sorted it in about an hour, and honestly, it's been working like a charm ever since. No electrical quirks or any other issues to report. The car's back to its normal self, locking and unlocking perfectly. Looking back, I probably should've gotten it checked sooner rather than driving around with it for weeks. Sometimes the simplest fix is the right one! Let me know if you get yours sorted, curious to hear if it's the same issue.
Thanks for the update! Actually, I took your advice and finally got my car checked yesterday. Funny enough, my issue was a bit different, turned out there was a software glitch in the central locking system module. The mechanic ran a diagnostic test and did a system reset, then updated the software. The whole thing took about two hours, but at least it wasn't as complicated as we thought. Cost me 150 € for the diagnostic and update. Much better than dealing with wiring issues! Been driving it since yesterday, and so far, no more warning messages or locking problems. Really glad I didn't put it off any longer, those unusual door warnings while driving were starting to make me nervous. Thanks again for pushing me to get it checked out. Sometimes these electrical gremlins have simple solutions after all!
Had a similar problem with my 2021 BMW i4 eDrive40. The door warning messages and central locking issues were driving me nuts. Took it to the garage last month when it hit 145,000 km. Turned out the wiring harness in the driver's door was damaged, causing intermittent connection problems. The connector pins were also corroded. They had to replace the entire door wiring harness and clean the connection points. It wasn't just a quick fix, they needed to partially disassemble the door panel to access everything properly. While not the most serious issue I've had, it definitely needed professional attention since it's a safety concern with the locking system malfunctioning while driving. Would recommend getting it checked soon, electrical issues tend to get worse if left unattended. The door contacts might be part of it, but in my case, it was more extensive than initially thought.