BMW Fuel Flap Malfunction Triggers Multiple System Failures
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Locking or unlocking the fuel filler flap is no longer possible
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4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for sharing your experience! I'm getting similar symptoms with my 4 Series (192058 KM on the clock). I do hear that clicking sound when trying to open the flap, it's like it's trying to release but can't quite make it. Haven't pulled any error codes yet, but I'll get that checked. Had my last service just two months ago and everything was fine then. It's a bit frustrating because it started happening out of nowhere. I was thinking of taking it to a specialist since it seems to be a common BMW issue from what you're saying. The price you mentioned for the repair seems reasonable if it completely fixes the problem. How's your car been holding up since the repair? Any issues coming back?
Hey again! Yeah, that clicking sound you're describing is exactly what I experienced, it's definitely that same issue I had with the linkage mechanism. Mine started acting up around 180,000 KM, so we're in the same ballpark mileage-wise. Since the repair last year, my car's been running perfectly fine, no issues with the fuel flap or those annoying error messages. The workshop explained that these mechanisms tend to wear out over time, especially in our diesel models. Something about the spring tension getting weak and the electrical components getting finicky. I'd say go ahead and get it checked by a specialist, just make sure they're familiar with BMW systems. When they fixed mine, they actually showed me the old mechanism, and you could clearly see where it had worn out. The new part they installed was slightly improved from the original design, which probably explains why it's been working so well since. One thing though, while you're waiting to get it fixed, try not to force the flap open. I made that mistake and almost damaged the paintwork around it. Just thought I'd mention that since I learned it the hard way! Let me know how it goes with the repair. I'm curious if they'll find the same issue as mine.
Thanks so much for the detailed advice! That's super helpful, especially the tip about not forcing the flap open, I've been tempted to do exactly that! You've really put my mind at ease about this whole thing. I'll definitely get it checked out by a BMW specialist this week. It's good to know the repair is straightforward and won't break the bank. Plus, it's reassuring to hear your car's been running perfectly since the fix. I'll make sure to ask about that improved mechanism design you mentioned when I take it in. Makes sense they'd upgrade the part if it's a known wear issue on our models. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. It's exactly what I needed to know!
Hey there! I had a similar issue with my 2015 BMW 3 Series diesel last year. I have some experience working on cars, but this was definitely something I needed professional help with. The symptoms were exactly like yours, fuel flap issues and unusual error messages. Took it to my regular workshop, and they diagnosed a faulty linkage mechanism in the fuel flap system. The repair took about 2 hours, and I ended up paying 210 Euro for parts and labor. Since then, everything's been working perfectly. Before I can share more specific details, could you tell me if you're getting any specific error codes? Also, does your fuel flap make any clicking sound when you try to open it? This info would help me better understand if you're dealing with the same problem I had. By the way, my has a BMW 5 Series and swears by this workshop, they really know their BMWs.