BMW 8 Series Fuel Flap Malfunction & Electrical Issues
Fault stored
Locking or unlocking the fuel filler flap is no longer possible
Some functions of the vehicle are not available
4 comment(s)
Hey! Thanks for sharing your experience. My car has around 45155 KM and just had its service last month. Been getting the "Check Control" message along with "Fuel filler flap malfunction" on the display. When I press the fuel flap button, I can hear a clicking sound but nothing happens. No physical damage visible from the outside. The weird part is that sometimes the central locking also acts up when this happens. Did you experience this too? Really hoping it's just the linkage like in your case and not something more serious with the electrical system. Getting a bit anxious as I need to refuel soon!
Hey again! Yes, those symptoms sound exactly like what I experienced with my BMW 7. That clicking sound without the flap opening, totally familiar with that! And yep, the central locking going crazy was part of the package for me too. It's actually pretty common for these issues to be linked because they're on the same electrical circuit. In my case, I first thought it might be a serious electrical problem too, but don't worry too much. The linkage mechanism issue I mentioned tends to confuse the car's computer, making it throw all sorts of weird errors. That's why you're getting those connected problems with the central locking. About the clicking sound, that's actually good news. It means your actuator is at least trying to work, just like mine was. When I had this fixed, the mechanic showed me the old linkage parts, and they were pretty worn out despite regular servicing. For a temporary fix until you can get it to a workshop, try this: press and hold the release button for about 10 seconds, then quickly press it again. This sometimes worked for me as a workaround, though it's definitely not a permanent solution. Really sounds like you're dealing with the exact same issue I had. Should be a straightforward fix at the workshop, nothing too serious to lose sleep over!
Thanks so much for all the detailed info and reassurance! Just tried that 10-second button press trick you mentioned, and while it didn't fully solve the issue, it actually worked once! At least now I have a backup method to get the flap open if needed. Really relieved to hear it's likely just the linkage mechanism. I was worried it might be some major electrical fault that would cost a fortune to fix. Going to book it into the workshop tomorrow, looks like I should plan for about half a day without the car based on your repair time. Good to know about the circuit connection with the central locking too. Makes total sense now why everything's acting up together. I'll make sure to mention all these symptoms to the mechanic. Thanks again for taking the time to help out, you've definitely put my mind at ease! Will update the thread once it's fixed in case anyone else runs into the same problem.
Hey there! Had a similar issue with my 2018 BMW 7 diesel last year. I've got some experience working on cars, but this one had me stumped. The symptoms were exactly like yours, fuel flap issues and unusual error messages popping up. Turned out the linkage mechanism was defective, causing all sorts of electrical gremlins. Took it to my regular workshop, and they fixed it in about 3 hours. Cost me 210 Euro for parts and labor. Before you head to the shop though, could you share which specific error messages you're getting? Also, are you noticing any unusual sounds when trying to operate the fuel flap? These details would help compare if it's the same issue I faced with my car. The 8 series is pretty similar to my 7 in terms of these systems, so I might be able to offer more specific advice with that info.