BMW 2 Series Brake Light Warning, Common Switch Issue
Brake light not working
Fault stored
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! I've done about 26476 KM with my car and had the last service pretty recently. The warning actually pops up out of nowhere while driving, not just at startup. Weirdly enough, all the brake lights seem to be working fine when I check them. Haven't been able to pull the exact error code yet, but planning to get that done this weekend. Your brake pedal reset trick sounds interesting, definitely worth a try! Really hoping it's just the switch acting up like in your case and nothing more serious.
Hey again! Just saw your reply about the warning showing up out of nowhere while driving. That's exactly what happened with my BMW too! Really interesting that you're seeing the same pattern, especially since your brake lights are actually working, just like mine were. Yeah, I remember being super confused because my lights were all working fine when I checked them. I did around 30000 KM before this issue started popping up, so we're in a similar ballpark mileage-wise. The unusual warnings while driving were really annoying, right? Since you mentioned getting the error code soon, good call! When I finally got mine checked, it confirmed it was just the switch being temperamental. But honestly, that hard brake pedal press trick I mentioned earlier sorted it out before I even needed any repairs. Just be careful when you try it, press firmly but don't go crazy with it! Just so you know though, if the pedal trick doesn't work, the switch itself isn't too expensive to replace. My mechanic said it's a pretty common issue with BMWs of our generation. Keep us posted on what you find out with the error code! Always curious to hear if others have the same fix work for them.
Thanks so much for all the detailed info! Really appreciate you taking the time to explain everything. I actually tried your brake pedal trick right after reading your message, pressed it firmly about 5-6 times. The warning hasn't popped up in the last few hours of driving, so fingers crossed! You might have just saved me a trip to the mechanic. Still planning to get that error code checked this weekend though, just to be on the safe side. It's really reassuring to hear that even if I do need to replace the switch, it won't break the bank. You've definitely helped calm my nerves about the whole situation. I'll probably keep this thread updated once I get the error code read, might help someone else down the line with the same issue. Thanks again for sharing your experience, it's been super helpful!
Hey there! Got some experience with BMWs as I own a 2016 BMW 1 Series (my second BMW after having a 3 Series). I'd say I have low experience, mostly doing basic maintenance. Had the exact same issue! The brake light warning kept popping up, and I was worried it'd be expensive. Turned out it was just the brake pedal switch getting stuck. Funny enough, I fixed it by simply pressing the brake pedal really hard a few times, it basically reset itself. Cost me nothing but a few minutes of my time. Just a simple mechanical error! Before you try this though, what's the exact error code you're getting? Also, does the warning come up every time you start the car or out of nowhere? This info would help confirm if it's the same issue I had.