BMW 1 Series from 2015: MKL and power loss
Valve adjustment noise
Loss of engine power
Unsteady engine
Poor fuel economy
Check engine light on
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, yes, I still remember the cost of repairing the exhaust VANOS unit. It cost me €1300 to fix the misaligned timing. Since my mechanic fixed the fault, the car has actually been running like new again, with no further problems. Hope this helps you and good luck with the solution! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
Hi, thanks for the detailed information. 1300 € sounds a lot at first, but if it saves the car in the end, it's worth it! I'll probably make an appointment with my mechanic next time and have it checked out. I'd better put up with it before something bigger breaks. Thanks again for the exchange and your help! Greetings and always have a safe journey!
(Translated from German)
Hi buddy, experienced exactly the same thing with my 2012 BMW 3 Series. MQL on, power drop, everything exactly as you described. In the end it was the VANOS unit on the exhaust side. At the last visit to the workshop, they said there were problems with the valve timing control, which would explain why the engine was running so unevenly. Ultimately, it can be said that it could be a pretty serious problem, but for someone who knows cars and has access to the right parts, it's quite doable. The repair involved replacing the exhaust VANOS unit. Definitely try not to ignore it, it could be quite expensive. Greetings!
(Translated from German)