Audi SQ8 Air Suspension Failure Causing Uneven Ride
Vehicle is not standing upright or is leaning to one side
Fault stored
Bumpy ride
Error message in the speedometer
The vehicle's air suspension no longer lifts
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience. My mileage is at 56381 KM and the last service was done at the official dealership about 3 months ago. The pneumatic suspension issues appeared quite suddenly, unlike your gradual experience. The air spring seems to be losing pressure overnight, as the car sits noticeably lower in the morning. I can also hear a faint hissing sound when the air suspension tries to adjust, particularly near the rear shock absorber. The dealership initially suggested it might be a leaking air spring, but given your experience with the valve, I will have them check that component specifically during the upcoming inspection.
Based on those symptoms, especially the hissing sound and overnight pressure loss, your situation appears more severe than what I experienced. While my suspension failure started with intermittent issues, your rapid onset and audible air leak suggests a different root cause than my faulty bellows valve. The hissing near the rear shock absorber is particularly telling. This could indicate a failed air spring or damaged air line rather than just a valve issue. In my case, there was no audible air loss, just inconsistent ride height adjustment. When my SQ7 had its valve replaced, the workshop initially tested the system pressure retention overnight. No pressure loss occurred, which helped isolate the bellows valve as the culprit. Your overnight dropping suggests you might be facing a more substantial air leak. A pressure loss test would help determine if you need: Air spring replacement, Air line repair, Bellows valve replacement, Compressor inspection Given the rapid onset and symptoms, expect repair costs between 800-1200 Euro depending on the exact components requiring replacement. Have the workshop perform a complete suspension system diagnostic before starting repairs.
Thanks for the detailed feedback. The overnight pressure loss definitely seems to point toward a more serious air leak than just a valve issue. I can confirm the symptoms have gotten worse over the past week, the suspension system now struggles to maintain proper height even during short drives. The hissing sound is also more pronounced, and the air spring on the rear passenger side seems to be the main culprit. I have scheduled a full diagnostic test for next week. Will ask them to specifically check for leaks in the air lines and inspect the air spring assembly, given how the symptoms differ from your valve-related experience. The rapid pressure loss and audible leak make me think this could end up being more extensive than initially hoped. Will update once I get the full diagnosis and repair estimate. Hoping to avoid any major suspension failure before the appointment.
Having some experience with suspension issues, I encountered a similar problem with my SQ7 2017. The air suspension system started showing the same symptoms, uneven ride height and warning messages on the dash. The air suspension compressor valve was failing, causing the suspension system to lose pressure unevenly. After multiple diagnostic tests, the workshop confirmed a defective suspension air bag valve was the root cause. The repair involved: Complete diagnostic scan, Removal and replacement of the faulty valve, System recalibration, Testing of all air suspension components Total cost came to 590 Euro, including parts and labor. The repair resolved all issues, restoring proper ride height adjustment and eliminating the warning messages. To better assist with your specific case, could you share: Current mileage, Whether the issue developed gradually or suddenly, If you notice any air suspension noises, Whether the problem is more noticeable after the car sits overnight, If the shock absorbers have ever been replaced This information would help determine if your suspension issue matches what I experienced and whether you might be looking at a similar repair solution.