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Audi Key System Failure: Antenna Issues Explained

Locking/Unlocking issue


Fault stored


Ignition cannot be switched on

My 2006 Audi A6 started acting up with strange key-related problems. The remote locking stopped working properly, and I need to insert the key to start the engine now, it wont start just by pressing the start button anymore. The diagnostic shows some errors related to this. After some research, I suspect the automotive antenna in the bumper might be faulty, but Im not entirely sure. Has anyone dealt with similar symptoms? Would be great to hear about your repair experience and what exactly needed fixing. I want to have some idea before taking it to a workshop to avoid unnecessary repairs. The car radio and other electronics seem to work fine, so Im quite sure its related to the key system.

4 comment(s)


As someone with basic car maintenance experience, I had a similar issue with my 2008 Audi A4. The key fob system started acting up, showing almost identical symptoms to what youre describing. After dealing with signal interference problems for about a week, I finally took it to a workshop. The issue turned out to be exactly what you suspect, the car antenna system was giving trouble, but specifically it was a loose connection in the wiring harness connecting to the antenna. The technician found that the cable connection had become corroded and wasty properly transmitting the key signal. They cleaned the connection points and replaced some damaged wiring, which solved the problem completely. The repair cost me 95 Euro, and it took them about an hour to diagnose and fix. Since then, the remote locking and keyless start have worked flawlessly. Could you share some additional details about your A6: Have you noticed if the problem gets worse in wet weather? Does the key work better when youre standing closer to the car? Are there any other electrical issues, even minor ones? When did you last replace the key fob battery? This information would help determine if youre dealing with the same antenna connection issue I had or if its something else entirely.

miamoon7 (Author)

The symptoms sound familiar to my case. Last service was at 116775 KM and the workshop ran diagnostics but found nothing conclusive. The vehicle antenna issue turned out to be more complex than just a faulty connection. The fm antenna module itself had failed, causing the key recognition problems. After replacing the module along with some wiring, the keyless functions returned to normal. The key fob now works reliably from a good distance and the car starts normally with the push button. The car radio reception also improved as a side benefit, which I hadnt noticed was slightly degraded before. The total repair cost ended up being 280 Euro including the new module. If youre having identical symptoms, I suggest getting the antenna system checked first before exploring other potential causes.


Thanks for the update on your A6 repair. Your case was indeed similar to what I experienced, though yours turned out to be more involved than my simple wiring issue. The radio signal improvement you mentioned is interesting, looking back, I actually noticed the same thing after my repair, but hadnt connected the dots. The antenna mount system in these Audis seems to be a common weak point. While my repair was just corroded connections, a full module replacement like yours makes sense when the unit itself fails. The 280 Euro repair cost sounds reasonable considering the parts and labor involved. Since the fix, have you noticed any residual issues with the key recognition? My system has remained stable since the repair, but I keep the connections clean now as preventive maintenance. The car antenna setup in these models definitely benefits from regular inspection, especially around the connection points. Would be helpful to know if your car radio reception has remained consistently better, as this could help others diagnose similar issues with their vehicles.

miamoon7 (Author)

Thanks for sharing your repair experience. Yes, everything has been working perfectly since the fix. The keyless entry and start functions work consistently now, even from a good distance. To answer your questions: the car radio reception has stayed much better, I can now get clear signals in areas where it used to be spotty. Looking back, I should have addressed the automotive antenna issue sooner when the first symptoms appeared. What started as an occasional glitch with the key recognition quickly became a daily annoyance. The 280 Euro repair was worth it just to avoid the hassle of manually unlocking and starting the car every time. For others experiencing similar symptoms, get your antenna system checked early. A failing antenna mount or module can affect both key functions and radio performance. In my case, fixing the antenna module resolved all the issues completely. The mechanics also mentioned its quite common in these models, especially as they age.

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