Audi A5 Cabrio cruise control no longer works
Fault stored
Cruise control without function
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your answer. My A5 already has 87654 km on the clock and hasn't had any major problems so far. Everything was fine at the last service too. That's really annoying about the cruise control, so you think it could be the control unit? Hopefully it won't be as expensive as yours...
(Translated from German)
Hey, it's very difficult to make a definitive diagnosis here as various factors could be responsible. It could be the control unit, but it could also be a problem with the speed sensor unit or even the electrical connections. I would definitely advise you to take your A5 to a garage and have it read out there. This is the most effective way to find the exact fault. They may also have a cheaper way to fix the problem than replacing the entire control unit. I hope I have been able to help you and wish you the best of luck! Ultimately, every car problem is individual and varies depending on the make, model and year of manufacture.
(Translated from German)
Hey, thanks for your advice and help! I've taken your advice to heart and made an appointment with my garage to determine the exact cause of the problem. Hopefully the problem can be solved without having to replace the entire control unit. Really cool of you to take the time to help me. I'll keep you posted later on what happened at the garage. Thanks again and hopefully I won't have any more of these annoying problems...
(Translated from German)
Hey buddy, I had a similar situation with my 2015 Audi A7. I'm not a professional, but I have worked on cars from time to time. After a quick inspection at my garage, it turned out that it was actually the control unit. It was defective and had to be completely replaced. The fun then cost me 1000 euros. Can you perhaps tell me a little more about your A5? Mileage, any previous damage or whether any parts have already been replaced? Maybe then I can help you even better with your problem.
(Translated from German)