ABS Warning Light and Brake Light Issues in 2012 Hyundai Equus
Brake light not working
ABS warning light
4 comment(s)
Howdy! Props to you for not rushing off to the mechanic before gathering some info. Had a similar hoo-ha on my Equus about a year back. Looks like here hit the nail right on the head - it’s likely the brake light switch being a pain in the neck. Just a quick question do you remember roughly what you shelled out to get that pesky switch fixed? And have you had any similar issues crop up since then or was it a one-off? Cheers for the help!
Hey there, good to hear from you! Well, after my trusty mechanic gave the ol' Hyundai a good look-see, he found that the brake light switch was indeed the culprit. He managed to fix that troublemaker and told me it was a personal error, nothing more complex or scary. In fact, he didn't even charge me any extras for it, so the whole affair cost me precisely 0.00 € - hence why I love this guy! Since that problem, the Genesis has been running smooth like a dream. No ABS light shenanigans, no disappearing brake lights, nothing like that since the fix. Like I said before, it's not a mega serious issue but of course, you don't want to take any chances when it comes to road safety. So, don't sweat it too much your ride should be back in shape in no time. Just make sure you find a good mechanic who knows his onions! Best of luck with it all!
Heys, thanks for sharing your experiences, really useful stuff! I appreciate the reassurances that it's likely just a dodgy brake light switch behind all these problems - you're both lifesavers! Now I don't feel completely in the dark going to the mechanic. And thanks especially for sharing the costs too,! Knowing what to expect financially definitely makes things easier. It's heartening to hear it didn't burn a hole in your pocket to fix - fingers crossed I have the same luck. Based on what you've both said, seems like it's time to stop procrastinating and take the car in for a checkup. Hopefully, I can find a mechanic who's as reliable and trustworthy as yours,! Will keep you guys posted on how it turns out. Cheers!
Hey there! I hear ya loud and clear - it's always best to know what you're diving into. A similar thing happened to my 2014 Hyundai Genesis not that long ago. Just like in your case, the ABS warning light popped up and my brake lights went AWOL. After some poking around, I found out it was indeed the brake light switch. Apparently, this thing can mess with both the ABS light and brake light if it goes caput. Had a real hands-on guy at the local garage who explained the whole shenanigans to me. Now I ain't no mechanic, but essentially, the switch sends signals to the car's computer when you tap the brakes. If the switch isn't hunky-dory, these signals get messed up, and the car reacts by lighting up warnings and, well, not lighting up the rear end like it's supposed to. So yeah it could very well be your brake light switch playing up like mine did. Not the worst of issues thankfully, but still something you'd wanna get sorted ASAP, safety first and all. Just get yourself a decent garage and you should be right as rain before long. Good luck with the fix!