2022 Nissan Navara's GPS Connection Issues: Possible Antenna Glitch?
No GPS connection
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, good to know I'm not the only one dealing with this frustrating GPS issue. Your experience sure did give me a heads-up! So the boffins confirmed it was indeed the GPS antenna, huh? I must ask, though, do you recollect how much they charged you for the whole antenna fix bit? Just trying to brace for whatever it'll cost me. And since you had it fixed, has anything else cropped up or has it been smooth sailing? Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey! Yeah, it was indeed the pesky GPS antenna causing all the trouble. Sounds like we both drew the short straws on this one, huh? As for the cost, it was around 200 Euro to get the antenna replaced and sorted out. Not a small fee, but not exactly bankrupting either. And trust me, compared to the headache of a faulty GPS, it's money well spent! As far as any other issues since then, it's been pretty much smooth sailing, knock on wood. Not a problem from the GPS since seeing the mechanic. Good luck with yours! I hope it'll be as easy to fix as mine was, and you'll soon be back to worry-free driving!
(Translated from German)
Cheers for the prompt reply, dude! Ah, well, 200 Euro isn't too bad if it gets my GPS back to its rhythm. Really appreciate your advice and I'm glad to hear you haven't had any other problems since replacing the antenna. Wish me luck, just hope this GPS annoyance gets sorted without any fuss. Fingers crossed that I can return to stress-free driving like you! Thanks a ton!
(Translated from German)
Hey there! Funny you should ask because I had a very similar issue with my 2019 Nissan Frontier not too long ago! What a pain, right? Turned out to be indeed the GPS antenna that had played up. It wasn't the end of the world, but I'd say it's still a pretty serious issue. You don't want to get lost in the middle of nowhere, I'm telling ya! When I went to the garage, they ran a diagnostic which confirmed it. With mine, the GPS antenna hadn’t been properly secured and had gotten damaged and therefore was not receiving signals. They had to replace the defective antenna with a new one. It wasn’t too big a deal but you'd rather have it handled by professionals. Didn't take long and it was sorted. Haven't had any problems since. I reckon you may be dealing with the same thing. Good luck!
(Translated from German)