2021 Hybrid Renault Arkana Exhibiting Power Loss and Unusual Exhaust Issues
Longer cold start time
Loss of engine power
Check engine light on
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Poor fuel economy
Strong exhaust smell
Jerking on acceleration
4 comment(s)
Hey there, Appreciate the heads up! The symptoms you described for your ol' Scenic sound spot-on with the Arkana. It's certainly not the best news, but knowing there's a probable cause gives me a starting point at least. Just wondering, can you recall what sort of dent it made in your wallet repairing the injector? Also, since you've had it fixed, has anything else crept up? Fingers crossed it's not a string of endless problems, right? Thanks for the mechanic recommendation, by the way! Will definitely look into contacting your guy for this. Cheers!
Hey, No problem, always here to help a fellow car enthusiast. Regarding the cost, it ran me up roughly about 515€ to sort out that dodgy injector. Bit of a pinch on the pocket, but let me tell you, it was worth every cent. And to address your other concern, since getting that repair, I haven't had any other issues pop up. My Scenic's running smoother than ever. The issues with the mixture control, specifically it being too lean, was sorted out when the injector got fixed. Glad to hear you'll be giving my mechanic a buzz. I'm sure he'll get your Arkana sorted out in no time. Here's hoping it's a one-off repair job and not the start of a long list, eh? Keep us posted on how it goes. Good luck!
Hey again, that is a bit of a sting on the pocket but if it resolves the issue and prevents any further damage, then it's definitely money well spent. It's really reassuring to hear you've had no more problems since your repair. Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel, huh? Thank you so much for all the guidance, and your mechanic is already on my speed dial. Fingers crossed, my Arkana's troubles don't turn into an automotive saga. Will make sure to keep you in the loop once she's back in action. Cheers and catch you later!
Hey there, Sure thing. Had a similar issue with my 2016 Renault Scenic not too long ago. Turned out to be a defective injector, no less! Symptoms were pretty much identical to what you've described with your Arkana - poor fuel economy, rough performance, you name it. This is no small issue. A bad injector could cause serious damage to the engine if left unresolved. Remember, if the fuel mix is too lean it can lead to excess heat and potential engine knock. Don't need to be a genius to figure out that's not ideal. Based on my experience, I'd suggest getting your Arkana to a reputable mechanic ASAP. If you need a recommendation, my guy did a solid job fixing my Scenic's injector issue. Can't promise it's the same problem you've got but it definitely sounds familiar. Just don't leave it too long. Good luck!