2020 Nissan NV Gasoline Model: Seeking Advice on Persisting Engine Light, Poor Gas Mileage and Strong Exhaust Smell
Check engine light on
Strong exhaust smell
Poor fuel economy
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey there! Appreciate the input! By chance, do you remember how much the valve replacement set you back? And have you encountered any more issues with your Titan since the fix was done, or has everything been smooth sailing? I will definitely look into getting a trustworthy mechanic to check out my NV, thanks for all the advice. Safe driving! Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey! Ah, good old wallet damage, right? The valve replacement for my Titan was a hit of around 140€. Not the cheapest fix alright but hey, gotta keep the wheels rolling in top shape, ain't it? After that was sorted, no more troubles so far, touch wood. Actually, the control of the secondary air valve issue you mentioned, I did have that previously, but it was fixed when I saw my mechanic. Since then, my Titan's been running smooth as a whistle. Trust me, getting a skilled and honest mechanic to run a thorough check on your NV is money well spent. Best of the luck, hope your beast gets back to roaring soon! Drive safe and keep on trucking! Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey! Thanks heaps for all the advice. I'm feeling a lot better about tackling this now and 140€ doesn't sound too painful for peace of mind. It's relieving to hear your Titan has been running smoothly after the fix, fingers crossed it’ll be the same with my NV. I'll definitely take your advice and invest in a good mechanic. That way, I'll be sure about getting the right fix. Thanks for the heads up, you've been of tremendous help! Stay safe on the road and cheers to more smooth rides!
(Translated from German)
Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from. I recently ran into a similar problem with my 2017 Nissan Titan. Similar symptoms, and sure enough, it was the Electric switching valve that was defective. Didn't take too long to diagnose it, and while it definitely wasn't a walk in the park, it wasn't too dreadfully serious either. As for the repair work, I ended up needing to replace the valve. In my case, there were really no other options. My mechanic did a great job, checked everything over and made sure there weren't any other underlying issues. But hey, remember, every car's different, even within the same brand. I'd recommend finding a mechanic you trust to inspect your NV. It could be other issues causing your problems too, like the O2 sensor, or something else. But for me, replacing the Electric switching valve was the right step. Hope it gets sorted out for you soon. Cheers!
(Translated from German)