2020 Lexus NX Hybrid Exhibiting Power Loss, Increased Fuel Consumption, and Exhaust Issues
Unsteady engine
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Engine shuts off by itself
Stalling while idling
Strong exhaust smell
Poor fuel economy
Jerking on acceleration
Loss of engine power
Check engine light on
4 comment(s)
Hey, really appreciate the insight. Sounds like a mad headache you had with your RX 450h, but stoked to hear it wasn't anything too dramatic and the fix seemed to clear up your issue. What you described actually sounds a heck of a lot like mine, now that I think about it. By any chance, do you remember what you had to cough up for the reprogramming and the whole fault diagnosis bit? And did anything else pop up since you sorted it out? Alright, cheers again!
Hey there! Yeah, you bet the whole deal was a bit of a headache, but I'm glad it got handled. Now, onto the costs. For fixing the fuel pump's incorrect software values, my mechanic charged me 45€ which, in my opinion, was a legit bargain for nailing the issue and getting it off my back. And about your second inquiry, I've gotta say, my trusty RX 450h has been purring like a well-oiled kitten since that fix. That low pressure fuel system fault that I suspected, it was corrected when the software issue was handled. So in essence, that single repair resolved the whole enchilada. Give it a shot and let's hope your NX Hybrid follows suit. Best of luck with your ride!
Ah you've been a total lifesaver! Your info definitely puts my mind at ease. Bummer about the hassle, but hear you on how it's worth sorting the mess. 45€ sounds more than fair for the fix, considering all the grief it's causing. And it's encouraging that your RX 450h's been running like clockwork since handling the software problem. Looks like I'm gonna be having a chat with my mechanic about this then. Can't express enough how grateful I am for your help! Fingers crossed my NX Hybrid turns to be the same case as yours. Thanks heaps again! Will update about my situation once it gets resolved. Take care!
Hey there! Sounds like you're having a bit of trouble with your NX. I can totally relate as I had a somewhat similar issue with my 2017 Lexus RX 450h just a few months back. Damn thing was guzzling fuel and stalling at the most inconvenient times, kind of like yours. After a bunch of head scratching, my garage figured it was due to incorrect software values for the fuel pump. Yeah, I know, sounded weird to me too, but apparently, it's not unheard of. My mechanic had to reprogram the values, and all the awful symptoms you've been describing - the smoke, smell, engine power loss, everything - pretty much vanished after that. The process involved using an OBD scanner to check for any engine management fault codes, then reprogramming the ECU (or engine control unit) values to correct the fuel pump operation. It's not exactly a simple fix, but it turned out to be (thankfully!) not a massive issue with the engine or anything catastrophic like that. It was more like the car just didn't know how to regulate the fuel pump properly. So in that sense, you can breathe a bit easier. If your situation turns out to be something similar, just ensure your mechanic has experience doing this kind of thing. Good luck with your ride!