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2018 Hyundai Veloster Displaying Potential Misfire Symptoms: Seek Advice on Check Engine Light, Power Drop, and Exhaust Smell Issues

Jerking on acceleration


Engine shuts off by itself


Unsteady engine


Loss of engine power


Strong exhaust smell


Check engine light on

Hey everyone, I've got this puzzling issue with my 2018 Hyundai Veloster. Recently, it's started showing signs like the check engine light flicking on, the engine cutting out randomly, a power drop, a shaky engine, stuttering on acceleration, and a noticeable exhaust smell. It's made me think that maybe the car is misfiring. Has anyone else here experienced these issues? If so, what did it turn out to be and how did your mechanic sort it out? I'd love any insights or tips you guys could share. Thanks!

4 comment(s)


Hey there! Let's see if I can offer any insight. I had a similar situation with my 2016 Hyundai Tucson. From the sounds of it, these symptoms are indeed indicative of a misfiring engine in many cases. As someone with a decent amount of car experience, I've encountered similar issues in the past. After a couple of head-scratching moments, I took my car to a trusted workshop. Turned out, the injection nozzle/injector was defective. Everything you mentioned matches these symptoms to a tee. The mech asked for €515.00 to get everything fixed, which seemed reasonable to me at the time. It might be the same issue with your Veloster. If you could share some more about the vehicle's driving performance and the mileage, it might help to diagnose the issue better. By the way, is this the first time you're experiencing this problem? Keep me posted!

Juleschm (Author)

Hey, thanks for your reply! It's really comforting to know that someone understands the bizarre situation I'm dealing with. I'm not a car enthusiast by any means but these issues definitely struck me as severe. Your suspicion and the mechanics' diagnosis, it all makes a heap of sense. So my Veloster, it's a 2018 gasoline model. This is the first time I've experienced these specific issues. Now as for the mileage, it's a bit up there, as I'm sitting around 91185km. My last service was a few months back, but everything seemed all good at that time. I'll definitely look into the injector issue. I appreciate the help! Will keep this thread updated. Thanks again!


Hi again! I see, being a 2018 model with a bit of mileage on it, these issues can start to crop up. I wouldn't worry too much though, cars can throw up all manner of quirks and surprises! So, based on your additional info, the injector issue does seem a possible cause given the symptoms and the mileage. Usually injectors can last up till 100,000 to 150,000 kilometers depending on the make and model, so it does fall into that bracket. The best course of action would likely be to schedule an appointment with your mechanic and have them check the injection system. You might want to get the spark plugs and fuel filters checked out too while you're at it. If these are not functioning properly, they can also cause similar symptoms and just like your injector, they might also be due for a service. Anyway, keep us posted on how things go, and good luck, hope it turns out to be a relatively simple fix! Cheers.

Juleschm (Author)

Hello again! I appreciate you taking the time to lay it all out for me. I knew some mileage-related issues were bound to creep up eventually. Sounds like you hit the nail on the head with the injector theory. In light of your suggestions, I'll go ahead and set up an appointment with my usual mechanic. I'll make sure to mention the possible injector issue, as well as ask him to check the spark plugs and fuel filters. Fingers crossed it won't turn into a major headache! Will definitely post an update soon. Thanks a bunch for your advice and kind words! Cheers.

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