2018 Hyundai Santro Exhibits Black Smoke, Poor Fuel Economy, and Stalling Issues: Possible Rail Pressure Sensor Fault?
Poor fuel economy
Unsteady engine
Jerking on acceleration
Loss of engine power
Engine shuts off by itself
Check engine light on
Strong exhaust smell
Stalling while idling
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
4 comment(s)
Hi there, Reading through this thread, it sounds like a spooky deja-vu. I've got a 2016 Hyundai Santro and faced the exact same issue about a year ago. Can totally relate to the cursed check engine light and the panic it sets in. But yeah, it turned out to be a dysfunctional rail pressure sensor for me too. Had my mechanic replace it and it was smooth sailing from there. Hey, do you recall how much the whole replace-and-repair shindig cost you? Also, has anything else popped up related to this since then? But, seriously, don't let it slide for too long. What looks like a minor problem can turn into your worst nightmare if left unattended. Cheers!
Hey! Funny you should ask about the cost,. It wasn't as hard on the wallet as I initially thought it'd be. Swapping out and getting that pesky rail pressure sensor fixed ran me about 240.00 € all in. Not exactly pennies, but hey, a sight better than smoking out the highway, right? As for any associated issues popping up post-fix, I've been fortunate - knock on wood. The Tucson's been purring like a kitten since the pressure sensor got sorted out. The incorrect signal from the rail pressure sensor was sorted after the visit to the mechanic. Seriously though,, get that thing into a garage pronto! Ignoring a weird signal from your car is like ignoring a rattlesnake in your sleeping bag - nothing good's gonna come of it. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Wow, thanks for the heads up, guys! I knew I couldn't ignore the symptoms, but wasn't entirely convinced about the pressure sensor until hearing your experiences. It does sound like we're members of the same unfortunate club., I'm relieved to know it's not catastrophic and isn't going to make my wallet weep. Also, good to know that the same issue hasn't bothered you since the fix., glad to hear your experience turned out well too. Guess the check engine light won't be as daunting anymore. I'm planning a trip to the mechanic first thing tomorrow. Will remember not to ignore my car's SOS next time. Maybe it isn't all doom and gloom, let's see. Will definitely come back here to share my news. Thanks again, fellas! Let's hope I'm soon driving without that annoying smoke and those jerky moves. Cheers!
Hey there, I feel you! Just a few months ago, my 2015 Hyundai Tucson experienced similar symptoms. It sounds like your guess about the pressure sensor could be on the right track. The unusual stalling, poor fuel economy, and that pesky engine light all pointed towards a faulty pressure sensor in my case. I took my ride to my mechanic for a thorough checkup and, sure thing, the pressure sensor was playing up. It was quite a relief knowing the problem wasn't underwhelming or complex as I had imagined. He mentioned that damaged pressure sensors can muck up correct fuel delivery to the engine, leading to all those funky behaviors. The good news, it wasn't a terribly serious issue. Definitely one that needed fixing ASAP, but not a catastrophic engine problem or anything. The whole process was pretty straightforward - they switched out the defective pressure sensor for a new one. Do get it sorted out quickly though, prolonged faulty sensor operation can lead to more serious harm over time. The job took a couple of hours and, voila, my car was back to normal - no smoke, no jerks, no unusual stalling. So I'd recommend getting your Hyundai down to a trusted mechanic as soon as you can for an inspection. Good luck!