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2017 Volvo S90 Diesel Experiencing Loss of Power, Poor Fuel Economy, and Unusual Noises: Seeking Insights

Whistling noise


Check engine light on


Loud hissing on acceleration


Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration


Jerking on acceleration


Strong exhaust smell


Poor fuel economy


Loss of engine power

Hey folks, I've got a 2017 Volvo S90 Diesel that's been acting up lately and I could use some advice. It's clocked 151,761 KM and showing some pesky issues: jerking and losing power on acceleration, check engine light turning on, black smoke and a strong exhaust smell, poor fuel economy, and there's this loud hissing and whistling noise too. Last time my mechanic gave me a bad vibe so I'm reaching out to this knowledgeable community. I reckon it has something to do with the boost pressure control being off. Has anyone else faced something similar? What was your experience and how did your mechanic handle it? Any insights would be gold. Cheers, John

(Translated from German)

6 comment(s)


Hey John, Your symptoms sound eerily like my old faithful, a 2014 Volvo V90 Diesel. Few years back, she was doing pretty much the same song and dance: funny noises, black smoke, you name it. Turned out to be a damaged Wiring Harness to the Boost Pressure Actuator. It was affecting the turbocharger regulation and hence the weird symptoms. Not gonna lie, dude, it was a bit of a serious situation. The mechanic had to repair the wiring. Also opted for a complete engine check up to make sure this bug didn't cause any other gremlins in the system. Overall, quite a tedious task as it does involve bit of dismantling and close checks, but nothing our beasts can't handle. Good luck with your S90. Cheers, Nick

(Translated from German)

AndraPete (Author)

Hey Nick, Really appreciate the insight, sounds like you've practically had identical issues. It's a bummer, but I'm relieved it isn't some unknown gremlin. Repaired wiring, complete engine check up, got it. Just curious, do you remember the total cost for the fixes and diagnostics for your Volvo V90 Diesel? Also, any other issues popped up since or your old faithful has been smooth sailing? Cheers, John

(Translated from German)


Hey John, Glad my experience could be of help to you! For my ol' Volvo V90, it cost me around 155€ to get the wiring harness to the boost pressure actuator fixed. It was a decent enough hit to the wallet, but totally worth it. Since then, I can happily say that it's been all smooth sailing! The mechanic really did a solid, and the boost pressure control deviation has been corrected. No more strange noises or black smoke! I imagine the same will be the case for your S90 once your repairs are done. Cheers, Nick

(Translated from German)

AndraPete (Author)

Yo Nick, 155€ ain't half bad if it sorts everything out — you've put my mind at ease! I'll get my S90 booked in for a similar treatment soon. I'm really chuffed to hear about your V90 basically turning a new leaf since the fix. Here's to hoping for a similar outcome on my end too. Cheers and thanks for sharing your experience, Nick. Really helped a lot! John

(Translated from German)


Hi ! Did you solve the problem? I have pretty much the same symptoms and I'm being told it may be an injector .... There's a clunk only when it's idling, smell of emissions in the car and a whistling ....thanks

(Translated from Romanian)

Best Answer



Hi ! Did you solve the problem? I have pretty much the same symptoms and I'm being told it may be an injector .... There's a clunk only when it's idling, smell of emissions in the car and a whistling ....thanks

Hi Iulian, it could indeed be an injector issue, but it's also possible that it's a problem with the turbocharger or the boost pressure control, as was the case with AndraPete's Volvo. I would recommend getting a thorough engine check-up to identify the exact cause. If you're experiencing a smell of emissions inside the car, it's a safety concern and should be checked by a professional mechanic as soon as possible. Please keep us updated on your progress. Do you have any other questions?

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