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2016 Kia Venga's Mysterious Shake: Seeking Advice and Similar Experiences

Vibrations from the engine

Hey! Got a weird shake from my 2016 Kia Venga with 155,635KM on the clock. I suspect it's the vacuum-controlled engine mount, but after a less than great experience with my last mechanic, I'm hesitant. Has anyone faced a similar situation with their gasoline engine? How'd your mechanic handle it? Cheers for any input!

4 comment(s)


Hey! Totally get your situation. Saw something similar on my 2013 Kia Soul a while back, the old girl had clocked nearly 160k KM. Quite a bit of trembling going on, especially under acceleration. Initially, just like you, I thought it might have been that vacuum-controlled engine mount too. Turned out to be the cable/connector causing the rackety trouble. Had it checked out at my local garage. The mechanic there was good eggs. He checked out the engine thoroughly, confirmed my cable/connector was defective. It's a seriously crucial thing it turned out. It's all about ensuring your engine has the proper stabilisation. Fix was a tad tedious, needed a bit of time but the work done was top notch - removed the defective bit, replaced it, and, bish bash bosh, no more shake! Could tell straight away the process was professional cause the shake disappeared right after that. So, don't ignore it and best to have it checked out top-to-bottom. Could be a bit different in your case but the cable/connector engine mount is definitely something to consider. Cheers!

DomBend (Author)

Hey there, Your experience is incredibly helpful. Interesting point about the cable/connector - it's not something I'd considered! Now that you mention it, I'm gonna make sure they give that a once-over when I take the old Venga to the garage. Just for my peace of mind (and my wallet), do you recall what the damage to your bank account was after getting that fix done? Also, any other parts give you grief afterwards or has she been steady as a rock since then? Appreciate your insights! Cheers!


Hey again Glad my experience could lend a hand! You're doing right by massively inspecting that car, and yeah, giving that cable/connector some attention is a wise move. Now, let's talk damage to the piggy bank, eh? The fix on my Kia set me back about 165.00 €, quite reasonable considering the kind of trouble it was causing. Not a princely sum in the grand scheme of things for a steady ride again. Ever since I got that issue with the cable/connector mended, the old girl has been running smoother than a pint of Guinness, I tell ya. Honestly, it's been like night and day! The shake was completely eliminated, and I've not observed any other nasty surprises ever since then. So, hopefully, you'll be similarly solid once you get that cheeky Venga of yours sorted out at the garage. Best of luck with it and keep us posted! Cheers!

DomBend (Author)

Hey! Thanks for the reassurance and the specifics, especially regarding the cost, really helps to have a benchmark. It's good to hear you haven't had any hitches after the repair, gives me hope! Your pint of Guinness analogy definitely put a smile on my face - hoping my Venga runs just as smooth post-fix. A car shaking less than a belly dancer is the dream for now. I'll be sure to drop in an update once I've got it all sorted. Thanks again for lending a hand, and here's to smooth rides ahead! Cheers!

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