2012 Kia Ray Overheating and Check Engine Light Issues: Potential Coolant Bypass Valve Malfunction
Check engine light on
4 comment(s)
Hey, sounds like a familiar tale! My 2014 Kia Ray was giving me the same nightmares. I also had a faulty coolant bypass valve as suspected. I got it fixed, but don't quite remember the exact cost though. Do you recall how much you ended up paying for the repair? And since then, has anything else surfaced under the hood?
Hey! Good to hear from another Kia owner. Ah, yes, when I had that bypass valve issue with my 2009 Optima, I remember that the damage to my pocket wasn’t as bad as I had feared. The charges for correcting the dodgy coolant bypass valve cable connection came to around €155. Not the cheapest, but believe me, it was worth every cent to see that check engine light finally go off! And ya know what, since that eventful visit to my mechanic, things have been running pretty smoothly. The engine temperature's been consistent, no more overheating, and no other pesky warning lights. It's like my car got a new lease on life after that coolant bypass valve problem got sorted. It just goes to show how vital a well-functioning coolant system is, right?
Wow, that’s pretty encouraging to hear from both you folks! You basically covered all my concerns on this overheating headache. And yeah, a score of €155, I'd willingly shell it out if it helps ease this mess. You've given me a direction, check on that bypass valve cable connection. I think I've got a good local mechanic who should be able to help me out with this given your experiences. You guys have been great and made me feel more confident about getting this sorted out, instead of fretting over every little thing. Thanks for sharing your experiences, fellas. I’ll keep you posted after I get the old Ray to the shed this weekend. Here's hoping to re-living the 'new lease on life' phase with my loyal Kia. Until then, safe and smooth driving to you both!
Hey! I sympathize with your situation. I had a similar experience with my 2009 Kia Optima. The overheating and irritating check engine light were the same. I got a hint from the eccentric behavior of my engine temperature gauge plus I often smelled a bit of coolant, so I was leaning towards the bypass valve too. After some lengthy discussion with my mechanic, we decided to inspect the Coolant Bypass Valve cable connection. Turned out, yep, the connection was defective. Gave me a good scare at first. Thought I might have to overhaul the whole cooling system. But happily, it wasn't as serious as that, and going through a dire situation with coolant leaks before, this was not as crappy. So I'd say, given your symptoms, you might indeed be facing a similar issue with the coolant bypass valve. Remember, this is only based on my past experience, I'm no certified mechanic. But it could very much be your case too. Worth to check it out with a trusted mechanic.