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2006 Kia Cerato Diesel Experiencing Emission Issues and Power Loss

Check engine light on


Whistling noise


Poor fuel economy


Loss of engine power


Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration


Jerking on acceleration


Loud hissing on acceleration


Strong exhaust smell

Hey, fellow car enthusiasts! I've got a query about my trusty 2006 Kia Cerato Diesel, which has clocked 11084 KM so far. It's been acting up lately - spewing out black smoke when I step on the gas, flashing the check engine light, and feels like it's lost some of its power. Acceleration seems jerky, and I've also noticed an obnoxious hissing noise and a whistle when increasing speed. My fuel consumption's through the roof and the smell from the exhaust is pretty potent. Last time I had a similar hassle, it ended up being a faulty boost pressure sensor. I'm wondering if anyone here has had a similar experience? Most importantly, I'd love to hear about any reliable mechanics you'd recommend because I've had some not-so-great ones in the past. Would appreciate any advice you can give! Cheers.

4 comment(s)


Hey there! Oh, boy, you're speaking my language! Almost identical symptoms popped up on my 2009 Kia Rio Diesel a while back. If my hunch is right, the issue might be with your Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), the thing that captures and stores exhaust soot. In my case, it was clogged and causing the issues you're mentioning: black smoke, power loss, the whole shebang! Having been through this, I gotta tell ya, it was definitely a serious issue. DPF is crucial for the overall performance and emissions on your diesel. Luckily, with expert hands, it's not unfixable. For me, the remedy involved getting it professionally cleaned. This usually involves removing the filter and blasting it with a high-pressure hose or a special cleaning fluid. Worst case scenario, if cleaning doesn't do the trick, it might need to be replaced. I'd recommend finding a mechanic who knows their way around diesels, and specifically DPF issues. Unfortunately, I can't point you to anyone specific without knowing where you're based. Google some local car garages, look for good reviews, and don't be shy to ask around. Good luck with it!

EvaS89 (Author)

Hey! Dang, that sounds exactly like what's going on with my Kia. Seems like you've really been through the mill with yours, huh? I appreciate the heads up about the Diesel Particulate Filter. Looks like it's time for me to do some homework and find a good mechanic who knows their diesel vehicles. By the way, do you recall what kind of damage it did to your wallet to get your DPF cleaned? Also, I hope nothing else has sprung up on your Rio since? Cheers for the advice!


Hey! Spot on, my Rio did take me for quite a spin with this whole Diesel Particulate Filter issue. But let me tell ya, it's all sorted now, and runs like a dream. About the financial part, if you'd asked me this while I was getting it done, I'd have been wincing. It cost me about 1325.00 € to unclog the DPF. It does seem steep, but you gotta remember it's a pretty intricate job. Plus, its crucial role in the car's overall performance and emissions makes it a must-fix. Ah, and you know what? Remember the boost pressure sensor issue you and I both went through? Well, since my last visit to the mechanic, it's been smooth sailing. They really sorted that issue out, so I'm glad I nipped it in the bud. So, here's some friendly advice: don't ignore these signs that the car is giving you. A good cleanup or, worst case, DPF replacement can make a big difference. After all, it's always wise to keep our diesel-powered beasts purring, right? Keep us posted on how it goes. Good luck!

EvaS89 (Author)

, Ah, cheers! I'm glad to hear your Rio is in top form now. Goodness, that's a lot of moolah, but it's the cost we must bear to continue our love affair with our diesel beasts, I suppose. You couldn't have said it any better - ignoring the signs is certainly not the way to go with a vehicle. I'm all for keeping the engine healthy and running smoothly, even if it means taking a significant hit to the wallet. After all, they say prevention is better than cure, right? I'm currently on the hunt for a reliable mechanic. Thanks a whole bunch for sharing your experience - it's given me valuable insight and a likely starting point. I'll indeed keep you and the rest of the forum in the loop once I take the next steps. Cheers for lending an ear and the shared wisdom much appreciated!

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