2003 Mazda Spiano Engine Malfunctions and Warning Lights: Seeking Advice and Similar Experiences
Car won't start
Loss of engine power
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
Check engine light on
Engine shuts off by itself
Unsteady engine
Fault stored
4 comment(s)
Hey there, Wow, your experience with your Premacy sounds so similar to what I'm dealing with! Just to gauge the cost, do you recall how much you shelled out to get your ECM replaced? Has any other issue popped up since you got it fixed, or has it been a smooth ride? Appreciate the help, dude! Cheers.
Hey dude, Ah, the dreaded cost question. Well, my wallet wasn't exactly thrilled, let me tell ya. For the ECM replacement, it set me back about 625.00 €. I can hear your wallet crying from here! Remember, that cost included getting the affected component sorted out too. Now for the good news, since sorting that out, my Mazda's been running like a dream. No more unusual shutdown, no more power fluctuation, and no more ominously blinking warning lights! Of course, it's still an older model, so it's not like I'm cruising without a care, but the specific issue we're talking about got fixed and stayed fixed. So, while the upfront cost was a bit rough, it's been worth it, at least for me. Hope that helps! Cheers!
Hey dude that €625 sounds like a hard hit, but hearing about your post-replacement smooth ride is making me think it's worth the pain. Thanks for sharing your experience and the honesty. I'll get my Mazda checked out straight away. Here's hoping my old gets back to his smooth cruising days. Appreciate the help. A round on me when we meet! Cheers.
Hey! I have a 2000 Mazda Premacy, and last year, I was dealing with a similar situation, my engine kept acting wonky, power fluctuating, and the warning lights wouldn't give me a break. Turns out, my engine control module (ECM) had given up the ghost. The ECM controls and manages the vehicle's engine operation. When it's faulty, it can cause the sort of erratic symptoms you’re mentioning. Your symptom of the engine shutting down unusually and power fluctuation seemed eerily similar to what happened to my Premacy. I won't scare you, but it wasn't a small issue. I had to get the whole ECM replaced. My advice? Get that checked and fixed ASAP and find a mechanic you can trust. As annoying as the situation may sound, try and take it easy. Hope this helps. Cheers!