2003 Hyundai Terracan: Engine Issues Linked to Potential Crankshaft and Camshaft Misalignment
Unsteady engine
Engine shuts off by itself
Metal shavings in oil
Car won't start
Check engine light on
Loss of engine power
Weird engine noise
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for chiming in! It's quite a relief to know I'm not alone in this, though it sounds like a serious business indeed. Sounds like your Santa Fe gave you a bit of a runaround! Do you recall how much you ended up shelling out at the mechanic for that crankshaft sensor problem? And has anything else popped up since you got it fixed? I'm crossing my fingers that it's a one-off deal!
Hey! I can totally empathize with you. The whole crankshaft sensor hullabaloo set me back by 250 Euro. Not exactly a small change, but considering what could've gone wrong without that fix, I’d say it's money well spent. Since then, the Santa Fe's been behaving itself, thank goodness! The incorrect crankshaft to camshaft connection was corrected and I've had no engine mishaps since. Now, she purrs like a kitten! No more freaky noises or scary surprises. I really hope it's a one-and-done deal for your Terracan too. The bottom line: Get it fixed ASAP. Trust me, it’s worth every penny to get your car running smoothly again. Good luck!
Thanks your input and advice have been really helpful. The price appears steep, but sounds like it's indeed worth investing in, especially for the peace of mind. It's great to hear your Santa Fe's doing well after the fix. Sure gives me hope! I'm going to get my Terracan looked at by a trusted mechanic without any delay, as you've suggested. Here's to hoping it turns out to be the same issue, and not something more severe (touch wood). Anyhoo, I'll keep y'all posted on the diagnosis and the progression. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it's just the crankshaft sensor. Thanks again. Your input truly saved my day!
Hey there! I had this exact situation with my '05 Hyundai Santa Fe. My Check Engine light was on, it had sporadic stalling issues, and a couple of times it wouldn't start at all. Those funky noises? Check. It was rough. Reluctantly, I took it to my mechanic, already feeling the dread. Turned out it was a faulty crankshaft position sensor. And yes, it is pretty serious business. It posed a risk to the engine components if left unchecked. You see, this sensor monitors the crankshaft's rotational speed and position. Issues with it can cause your car to act erratically, just like our Hyundais. My mechanic replaced the defective sensor and repositioned it correctly. This was a decent bit of work - it's not accessible without taking a fair bit of the engine apart - but once it was sorted, the car ran like a dream again. No more starting issues, no more freaky noises. So, I'd recommend taking your Terracan to a good mechanic you trust. Don't put it off, as it's a pretty serious issue. All the best hope you sort it out.