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2001 Lexus LX Experiences Black Smoke, Increased Fuel Consumption, and Stalling Issues: Potential Ignition Coil Fault?

Shaking while idling


Car won't start


Poor fuel economy


Check engine light on


Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration


Stalling while idling


Jerking on acceleration


Unsteady engine


Loss of engine power

Hey everyone, I've got a 2001 Lexus LX with a gas engine, clocked 56255 KM. Lately, black smoke shows up when I step on the gas, my poor old girl doesn't have the get-up-and-go like before, shaking at idle, and then the unpredictable jerking! Worst part, she's become a guzzler and has refused to start up a couple of times. Engine light's on and she's stalling at idle too. My gut tells me it's an ignition coil issue or some misfire. Had a rough time with my last mechanic visit so I'm harrowed thinking about going again. Anyone experienced this and got it fixed? Curious to know how your mechanic visit went. Thanks for the help.

4 comment(s)


Hey there, I feel your pain. I had a fairly similar situation with my 1998 Lexus GS. Engine light started showing, frequent engine misfires, judders, and just didn't feel healthy while driving. Like you, I suspected it was an ignition coil issue, given the symptoms. Ignition coil problems can be tricky, and it was indeed just that when took it down to the garage. Turns out the cable connection to the ignition coil had gone to pot. The mechanic explained that it's quite a common issue and doesn't herald the end for our old friends. The jerking and stalling are typically because the spark isn't reaching the cylinder properly, thanks to the faulty cable. The excessive combustion caused by the missing sparks might be behind your car gulping down more gas and the black smoke. The mechanic was spot on, fixed up the cable connection and it was like a breath of fresh air for my car. The drive has been smooth as silk since then. In my opinion, you absolutely need a mechanic to check and confirm, could be the same or an underlying issue. But no need to lose sleep, your beloved car will be good to go with a proper fix. Hang in there!

BenKrueger86 (Author)

Oi sounds like a rough go on your end too. Thanks for the quick advice and nice to know I'm not alone, makes a load of difference. Your problem really seems to mirror what I've been experiencing with my Lexi, so I'm thinking it's definitely the same ignition coil issue. Dodgy cables are worse than a thorn on the side, eh? I've a question for you, though. Do you recall how much you forked out for that mechanic visit? I'm just trying to get a ballpark before I head into battle, you know? And, since your cable fix-up, has anything else popped up or has your Lexus been running smooth? Fixing my old girl can be a bit like whack-a-mole, plug one hole and another one shows up. Just trying to keep my expectations realistic. Cheers for the help!


Hey! I totally get your whack-a-mole analogy, sometimes it feels like a never-ending battle with our old girls. But rest easy, fixing my girl didn't break the bank. For the whole ignition coil cable connection fix-up, I remember shelling out about 365€. Sure, it's not exactly pocket change, but it's been worth every penny. Ever since the mechanic addressed the faulty cable issue, my Lexus has been running like a dream. Any igniting coil misfires or defective indicators on the dashboard were wiped out as soon as the mechanic did his magic. So no worries on that front, since this repair, no gremlins have popped back up. She's been purring like a kitten. Hope yours will do the same after the visit to the garage. Keep your chin up - hope to hear good news soon! Cheers!

BenKrueger86 (Author)

Just the news I needed! You've given me not only helpful advice but also a fair idea on the possible costs involved in fixing this bloody trouble. Here's hoping my Lexi will also purr like a kitten after this, just as yours is doing. I was dreading the mechanic visit, but after chatting with you, I feel more confident about it. It's a relief to know that it isn't the doomsday scenario I had in my head. Setting aside my past unpleasant experiences, it's clear I must take her to the garage and get her checked out ASAP. Big thanks for the help! I'll swing by and let you know how it turns out. Keep fingers crossed, yeah? Cheers!

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