'06 Kia Sportage: Check Engine Light, Poor Fuel Mileage, and Strong Exhaust Odor- Possible Secondary Air Valve Issue?
Strong exhaust smell
Check engine light on
Poor fuel economy
4 comment(s)
Howdy! Thanks for the swift response. Now that you mention the electric switching valve, I think that might be the culprit. Your description pretty much lines up with what I've been experiencing. As far as other symptoms go, the engine has been feeling a bit more sluggish than usual, but no unusual noise or anything of the sort. Last time I had it serviced was at 86647 KM and they didn't pick up on anything, but that was before these issues started cropping up. I guess it's time for another visit to the mechanic's to get this sorted out. Thanks for the input. Really helps putting me on the more accurate track. I'll let you know how it goes, cheers!
Hey there, glad to be of some help! Yeah, the sluggish engine performance does sound like it could be tied to the electric switching valve problem. It messes up the balance of air and fuel entering the engine, causing all sorts of issues. Don't panic, though. It's likely nothing too serious. And yeah, it's always a good idea to get a professional opinion, especially if the check engine light pops on. It can be a whole host of things, really. In the meantime, keep an eye on your temperature gauge as well. If the engine's running hot, that's another sign of a possible valve issue. Anyway, fingers crossed, it's nothing major. Let me know how you get on at the mechanic's. Always learning something new about these Kia quirks, eh? Keep it rolling!
Hey, thanks again for the advice and the reassurance. It does bring some peace of mind. I'll definitely watch out for that temperature gauge, didn't think of that until you mentioned it. I'm dropping the car off at the mechanic's first thing tomorrow. Hopefully, they can give me a definitive answer relatively quickly. Sure thing, I'll update you on what they find and how everything turns out. Kia quirks indeed it's never a dull ride! Stay safe out there, cheers!
Hey! I had a very similar issue on my '04 Kia Sorento. I wouldn't call myself a car expert, but I have had some experience dealing with these kind of issues - in reality, I'm somewhere between low and some experience. Turns out my issue was with the electric switching valve being defective. I had to take it into the workshop and the mechanics sorted it out for me. They worked their magic and I forked out 140€ to get it sorted. Not the cheapest fix, but it's better than dealing with poor fuel efficiency and a nasty exhaust smell! Could be a similar issue with your Sportage, but it's difficult to say without knowing a bit more about what's going on. What other symptoms has your car been showing? Any notable change in performance or has it been making any weird noises lately? With a bit more info, I might be able to help you narrow down the possibilities. Cheers!